Just a taste of what’s to come for the blog…David C recently enjoyed a track day at Thunderhill in his R32 Skyline. This beauty got some serious love at Z Car Garage with upgrades and tuning from chassis to drivetrain so stay tuned for the full story!

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Today is the day that many of us have been waiting for and working towards for a long time now. Both 370Zs showed up last night with a small army of support. As I opened the shop this morning I was greeted with the beautiful blue car so I snapped a few photos to start the day. I also have some more information on parking and today’s other events.
The event is going to start between 2 and 3pm today with free food and drinks for the first couple hundred people so get here and bring your friends!!!! See you all soon. ENJOY!!

There will be some street parking available but we also rented a lot about a quarter of a mile from the shop with parking for a few hundred cars. There is a map of the location below.
Click for larger:

I will have more updates and photos as the day goes on so come on by and check the blog frequently!!!
Z Car Garage
140 Archer St.
San Jose, CA 95112
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Here are a couple of teaser pictures from the Rolex Monterey Historic races at Laguna Seca a couple of weeks ago. I am working on getting a new gallery set up for this site as well as a new interface to enlarge the photos. I took over a thousand photos throughout the weekend so you will really be in for a treat when I finish the gallery!
Click on the images to enlarge.

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