Miguel A had been saving up for a Stillen supercharger on his 2009 370z. At the end of last year he made an appointment with us and we ordered the S/C kit in satin:
As with many of our Stillen S/C installations Miguel also received a Stillen oil cooler, GTR plugs and an oil change/new filter:
We also resolved a few items that Miguel mentioned including some clicking coming from the rear end and a fan control module issue.
On the dyno with the supplied CAN tune we saw a peak of 393hp/290tq to the wheels. With Rob’s tuning final numbers were 413hp/300tq, a gain of 109hp/48tq over baseline:
Miguel’s Z34 had 82k miles before adding the Stillen supercharger. There’s nothing better than owning a car for awhile then doing some improvements to keep you involved, happy and excited.
Long Live The Boost!
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Andre G wanted to make getting from point A to B a little more exciting so he came to us for an UPREV tune and shorter gears. The Nissan OEM 4.08:1 gearset really wakes up the 370Z’s acceleration off the line…one of the most effective mods you can do.
Installing the new ring and pinion:

The NISMO finned-aluminum diff cover helps keep things cool:

With the UPREV tune Andre picked up +10hp/7tq for a total of 311hp/263tq to the wheels:
We hear Andre has caught the drag racing bug. Quicker acceleration and more power should yield some faster times…see you at the races!

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Rich R is long time customer and loves to run with the Lockheed-Martin autocross group. He wanted stiffer ride without compromising ride height or going to full coil-overs. We installed Koni dampers with NISMO coil springs.

Enjoy the Ride Rich!
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Tung N. is an auto technician at a local shop and the owner of this beautiful 370z. Tung did a very clean installation of bolt-ons himself and came to ZCG for tuning. We are glad to see that he still enjoys working on cars as a hobby!

On the dyno Rob’s UPREV tuning yielded gains of 10hp/6tq for a total of 295hp/253tq at the wheels. Power delivery was improved throughout the rev range:
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Once a Z owner, always a Z owner! Ruben is a long-time 350z owner and we supercharged his car several years ago, here are a few pictures:

Ruben is now the proud owner of this 2010 370z 40th Anniversary Edition and he came back to ZCG for some UPREV tuning. Check out the improvements in hp/tq throughout the entire rev range with peak gains of 16hp/12tq to the wheels for a total of 300rwhp/253tq:

We are pleased to hear that Ruben reports a more responsive engine from the UPREV tune!
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