Max has worked on cars since high school. His automotive obsession started with a clean white S13 hatch, then a very nice NA Z32, a G35 sedan and now this silver 350 Zed with a great story behind it.

Max got the itch for a Z33 after enjoying his G35 sedan for awhile. Enter Josiah, who was looking for a G35 sedan. Josiah is the cousin of Matt(owner of this GTM G37) and also owner of a super clean 60k mile 350z with a potent APS Twin Turbo drivetrain from Enrique’s old Z. A deal was made and Max ended up with the silver, boosted Z and Josiah got the G35 sedan…everyone wins!
The APS kit was the most powerful twin turbo setup when it was introduced years ago and continues to satisfy. Limited MAF and injector upgrades compatible with the kit make it not as tuning-friendly as the current aftermarket setups out there but at ZCG we always find a way to make more power!

Using a GTM MAF, Aeromotive 340 fuel pump and 600cc injectors we retuned the Z for more boost:

Max’s Z now makes 466hp and 443tq to the wheels compared to 355hp/372tq before the upgrades/tuning! Enjoy the boost Max and thanks to Josiah and Matt for keeping Z’s in the family!
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