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Happy 311 Day!

Filed under: Events
by Alvin G @ 3:11 pm on March 11, 2025


Happy 3/11 day to all Datsun Roadster owners across the globe! Give your Fairlady a hug and get out and drive! Here are a few memorable roadsters that have been at Z Car Garage over the years. Of course, Eric Straw’s SR20VET-powered beauty is high on our list:



Michael Spreadbury’s “Stingrey” SR20-powered ’66 SPL


Pat’s 1970 Datsun 2000


Rob and myself have been Enjoying The Ride in our roadsters. His 1967 Datsun 2000 and my 1967.5 SPL:


More roadster-related content HERE

Happy 3/11 Day!

Filed under: Events,Featured Cars and Projects
by Alvin G @ 1:16 am on March 12, 2018


Happy 3/11 Day to our fellow Datsun Roadster owners! We hope you were able to Enjoy The Ride this weekend as the weather was fantastic. Our friend Kurt recently took delivery of his freshly restored 1967 Datsun 2000 (#520) and took it for nice ride around town.


The car is finished in my favorite color, Sora Blue and Steve Pettersen performed a stunning, frame-off restoration:


Expect a full feature on Kurt’s SRL and dyno tuning to make those twin Mikuni-Solexes sing! For now, please enjoy this video of us driving our roadsters around on 3/11:

ps…we may have driven a few other Z Car Garage project cars in this video as well 🙂