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RACING: The Nissan GTP ZX-Turbo at Z Car Garage!

Filed under: Featured Cars and Projects,Racing,Z31
by Alvin G @ 3:00 pm on April 15, 2024


The Championship-winning 1988 Nissan GTP ZX-Turbo is at Z Car Garage. This iconic race car was driven by Geoff Brabham and John Morton, known for de-throning the Porsche 962 in IMSA racing with 8 straight wins. Enjoy the photos of chassis #8801 with a full feature coming soon to!


Thanks to Dean Case and Greg Nelson of Nissan Motorsports for the opportunity to have this legend here at Z Car Garage.


It’s surreal to see the car that has been a poster on our wall actually inside the shop. Rob had to get out his R/C car and another poster from the front office:


Enjoy this video highlighting the epic 1988 IMSA season with Morton and Brabahm in the GTP ZX-T:

RACING: Vintage Datsun 510 Preparation

Filed under: 510,Events,Racing
by Alvin G @ 5:10 pm on March 13, 2024


Z Car Garage is preparing several Datsun 510 B-Sedan race cars for this weekend’s Classic Sports Racing Group (CSRG) David Love Vintage races at Sonoma Raceway. Enjoy the dyno video of the Ex-Ted Gruner B-Sedan Datsun 510 and car-prep photos below!


All 510 race cars are getting their suspension and motors dialed-in for the race weekend:



Gabe Rothman’s B-Sedan featuring our Z Car Garage CV Axles:


Spectators are FREE, so come out and enjoy a weekend filled with competition, camaraderie and plenty of Alfas, BMWs and Datsuns sharing the track.



EVENTS: CSRG David Love Memorial Vintage Race 3/15

Filed under: 240z,510,Events,Racing
by Alvin G @ 5:10 pm on February 20, 2024


On March 15-17, Classic Sports Racing Group (CSRG) is hosting the David Love Vintage races at Sonoma Raceway. Z Car Garage will be racing and supporting several client’s Datsun 510 race cars running in the B-Sedan Group. Spectators are FREE, so come out and enjoy a weekend filled with competition, camaraderie and plenty of Alfas, BMWs and Datsuns sharing the track.


Z Car Garage Races Ands Supports Six Datsun 510s!

It is our pleasure to bring more enthusiasts into the world of vintage racing. Our services do include full race support and car-preparation to help make client’s race days seamless and worry-free so they can focus on driving. One of our specialties is dyno tuning. Before a race weekend we confirm that your car is running well and make necessary adjustments while on the chassis dyno.

Video of two Datsun 510 B-Sedans (Rob and Tom), Enjoy the sweet L-series music!

Here is a preview of the Z Car Garage clients running at the David Love Vintage races:

#7 Rob Fuller

ZCG owner Rob Fuller, Bay Area Datsun Dealers car


#7 Kelvin Tse


#64 Kenny Tse


#8 Gabe Rothman


#25 Jeff Rothman

Gabe’s father Jeff is racing his B-Sedan Datsun 510:


#98 Kelly M


#68 and #30 Noah’s 510 and BMW 2002



We will also be supporting Lora’s Spec Miata!


For more information please visit Classic Sports Racing Group (CSRG). See you at the track!

RACING: CSRG Pre-Season Tech Inspection Day February 23!

Filed under: 240z,510,Racing
by Alvin G @ 5:10 pm on February 19, 2024


Classic Sports Racing Group (CSRG) is hosting a pre-season tech day for anyone who wants to have their car inspected before the first event of the season, March 15 at Sonoma Raceway. This year there are three great locations for your geographical convenience: North Bay, Peninsula, and South Bay! All three locations will be hosting the tech day on Friday February 23rd. Please call or email the location you’re planing to visit to confirm their hours and to let them know you’re coming. Thank you to all three businesses for taking time out of their day to do these tech inspections. We look forward to seeing you all at the track in just under a month!

North Bay:

Shippert Racing Services

621 Carlson Ct. Suite #4

Rohnert Park, CA 94928

Contact: Ethan Shippert – (707) 292-8975





Auto Keep Vehicle Storage

3536 Haven Ave

Redwood City, CA 94603

Contact: Ed Lauber

(650) 367-7788 –




South Bay:

Z Car Garage

140 Archer St

San Jose, CA 95112

Contact: Rob Fuller

(408) 452-0350 –


Z Car Garage is happy to host the South Bay’s pre-season tech inspection day on Friday, Feb. 23. Please contact us to schedule your race inspection!



Event registration can be found at Classic Sports Racing Group (CSRG). See you at the track!

RACING: CSRG Welcomes Vintage Spec Miata

Filed under: 510,Events,Racing
by Alvin G @ 5:10 pm on


The Classic Sports Racing Group (CSRG) is excited to welcome Vintage Spec Miata (1990-1997) to all of their events! This is a fun, affordable way to get into vintage racing. If you have any questions regarding prep and presentation, reach out to Rob Fuller: Please see below for more information and rules.


Why Vintage Spec Miata (VSM)?

Why VSM? It’s a great way to get into vintage racing at an affordable price point. The nice folks at the CSRG have a strict no-contact policy as part of their racing philosophy: this ensures the safest environment for you to race competitively while sharing the track with traditional cars.


Lastly, CSRG events are known for their camaraderie and undeniably cool eye-candy. If you want to mix it up with classic race cars of the 60s and 70s in your Spec Miata, this is the ticket.


Did we mention it is Fun! See what vintage racing with CSRG is all about in one of our race reports HERE!


Fellow Spec-Miata racer Ross L in front of Randy Pobst’s first National Championship-winning Miata (1992). Below, Rob Fuller’s Spec-Miata at the shop:



CSRG Rules for VSM


The first race event is March 15!


Register your Vintage Spec Miata for CSRG’s first event, the 2024 David Love Races at Sonoma Raceway March 15-17. Registration details HERE. It will be a blast on Sonoma’s NEWLY PAVED surface with plenty of vintage cars and good times. See you there!

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