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Performance Parts for Nissan, Inifiniti and Datsun Cars

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 Z Car Garage is excited to see this 1972 Datsun 240z go to auction with our friends over at Bring A Trailer.  We found this Z in 2012 for a customer and purchased it from the original owner. This is our first listing with BaT and we anxiously await the final winning bid on this time capsule S30. Follow the auction HERE and watch the final minutes as bidding ends in 6 days!



2015 Solvang Datsun Roadster Show 4/25!

Filed under: Events
by Alvin G @ 4:36 pm on March 17, 2015


We are only a few weeks away from the big show so prep your cars and book those hotels! It’s that time of the year again when the largest group of Datsun Roadsters gathers in the beautiful town of Solvang, CA. Come check out roadsters and other vintage Datsuns April 24-25. Pre-registration ends April 3. For registration and show info please visit

To catch a glimpse of the show check out Last Year’s Show Report and movie below. Browse our Solvang Show reports since 2008 HERE.

See you in Solvang!

ZONC Contra Costa Cruise Pictures

Filed under: Events
by Alvin G @ 12:11 pm on

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From Ann D. of ZONC:

Thank you everyone who made the trip on Sunday from Z Car Garage in San Jose to the top of Mt. Hamilton and then on to Livermore. If you weren’t able to make the trip, we missed you and hope to see you at another of our events soon. We had a great ride with a few unexpected rewards – a group of GTRs at the observatory when we arrived and some horseless carriages on their way up Mines Rd. on their way to The Junction. Thank you Jack and Yolanda for the pictures and video below!

The “racetrack” leading up to Mt. Hamilton:

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Beautiful weather!

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Enjoy the aerial view:

ZONC Event: March 15 Contra Costa Mystery Tour!

Filed under: Events
by Alvin G @ 6:55 pm on March 2, 2015

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ZONC and Z Car Garage are proud to announce the Contra Costa Tour on Sunday, March 15! Enjoy a exhilarating cruise through beautiful backroads.  ZONC fun runs are great and we have enjoyed running them many times.

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Nissan legend Yutaka Katayama, aka “Mr. K,” dies at 105

Filed under: Automotive History,Events
by Alvin G @ 1:32 pm on February 21, 2015

Nissan Legend Yutaka Katayama

It is a sad day for Nissan and Datsun owners as we learn about the passing of Yutaka Katayama, father of the Z car. The news has spread throughout the media from NissanUSA to Wall Street.


As many of you know,  Mr. K is the father of the Z Car and was honored for his innovative design of the early Z Car that set the bar for others. He helped Nissan to become the best selling import brand in 1975.

Nissan Legend Yutaka Katayama141mr_katayama

He also positioned Nissan to become the 1st automaker to sell Americans on compact pickup trucks and “King Cabs”.   Here is Mr. K with the actor (Dale Ishimoto) that portrayed himself in Nissan’s famous “Dogs Love Trucks” ads:


Retired from Nissan since 1977, Mr. K still had a drive for styling. He played a major role in refining the Nissan Z concept car that was unveiled at the North American Auto Show in January 1999. On October 13, 1998 Mr. K was inducted into the Automobile Hall of Fame museum in Dearborn, Michigan.

We have fond memories of Mr. K at our local and national Z-car shows. It always amazed us how enthusiastic and full of verve this man was to come stateside and participate in our love for these cars. Here is Mr. K at a Z show in the Bay Area, circa 2002. Like many Datsun owners I too was humbled when he signed memorabilia/car parts and shook hands. Mr. K was driving a Z well after he turned 100, noting that his driver’s license was good through his 103rd birthday. Amazing individual.

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Having excellent communication skills even in is older years he was known for ending emails and conversations affectionately with, “Love Cars! Love People! Love Life!”


Thank you Mr. K for all that you have done for the automotive world. Our condolences go out to your family. You will be missed!



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