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ZELE Gran Turismo Edition V36 Skyline….SWEET!!

Filed under: 350z,370z
by Forbes @ 1:50 pm on June 12, 2009

I just found this over on the ZELE site and I’m in love.  It looks like they are offering a real life kit of a G37/V36 Skyline that Polyphony Digital designed for the highly anticipated Gran Turismo 5 racing simulator.  This kit combined with the Volk TE37 G2 wheel just hits so hard.  Looks like I need to start saving for a G37.

Happy Friday and look for another post before the end of the day, we are crazy busy here at the shop.

Link: ZELE Performance G37/V36 Gran Turismo Edition

Friends, Never Fear! Z Car Blog is still here!

Filed under: 240z,350z,370z
by Forbes @ 4:23 pm on May 28, 2009

We have been getting tons of cars in and out the door like crazy as well as making some huge progress on some of the larger projects that are here.  I will have posts coming almost every day for the foreseeable future.


370z Dyno: Stillen Bolt-ons and Berk HFC’s

Filed under: 370z,Performance
by Forbes @ 5:52 pm on May 11, 2009

After hearing the news that the ZCG 370z made some pretty nice power gains, a new customer came in and wanted to do the same for his blue 370z.  To up the ante a bit he also ordered a set of Berk high flow catalytic converters (HFC’s) to replace the stock units and hopefully make some more power, let’s find out.

We knew exactly what to expect from the install and everything went off without a hitch.  We obviously had to perform a few minor tweaks with the Stillen pieces just like we did on our shop car to get the fitment to be acceptable.  After all parts were installed the car was strapped to the dyno and we went about our business to get some numbers.  After all was said and done the car picked up 27whp and 14wtq for a total of 302whp and 247 ft/lbs of torque.  Which means the Berk HFC’s add roughly five to six horsepower when you compare the numbers of the ZCG 370 which goes without the HFC’s, for now….

The really nice thing about these simple bolt-on modifications is that the performance of the engine is increased over the entire power band.  I don’t know of anyone in their right mind who would turn these gains down for the price.  300+ whp with THREE bolt-ons, not too shabby for a couple hours work.

Special thanks to Ken at Roost Billet Products for making those killer ZCG plates for all of our show cars and cars without plates.  You rule Ken.

ZCG 370z: Back From The Strip

Filed under: 240z,350z,370z,Events,Featured Cars and Projects,ZCG 370z
by Forbes @ 8:00 pm on May 7, 2009

I want to start this post by saying that I don’t drag race very often and we only got in four runs.

I left the shop around 2:15pm on my solo tip to Sonoma.  I was hoping to get a better turn out of our customers and friends for the afternoon trip up to Infineon Raceway yesterday but hopefully there will be a better turn out next time.  The drive was overcast with a few sprinkles here and there but no serious rain on the horizon.

The hour and a half drive was fairly uneventful and I even pulled out the camera to take a picture as the 370 and I passed by the San Quintin State Prison on highway 580.  I pulled into the gate at Infineon around 3:45, paid my $25 racing fee (thanks to Rob for spotting me), and proceeded to wait in line for tech inspection.

The track staff, seeing that the car was brand new, waved me through without a fuss and I went directly into the “Street Performance” group’s staging lanes.  Apparently I have perfect timing because there was barely time to turn off the car and say hello to a few people before we were headed up to make our first runs.

I happened to be parked next to a ’71 2.4L turbo Datsun 510 for my first run so I was pretty excited (I own a turbo’d 510 myself, again thanks to Rob.)   I get to the water box to do my burnout and a second or two after the tires start spinning the car begins to wheel-hop pretty badly.  I cut the burnout short and roll to the lights.

Now here comes the part where you realize how little I drag race.  I’m saying out loud to myself, “Leave on the third yellow.”  I thought I did.  NOPE.  I launched the car at 5,000 rpm and I cut a .539 light.  Bummer.  The tires are cold from the crappy burnout and I leave the tree with the wheels spinning which again turns into wheel hop.  The tires spin pretty well on the shift into second again and I am on my way to turning a 14.672 @ 100.83mph.  At least this leaves plenty of room for improvement, right?

Well… our next runs would have to wait a bit because it did start to rain a bit for a total hold time of around 45min.  Now back to racing.

Over the next two runs I alter my burnout and launching techniques to get down to a 14.077 @ 101.28mph.  Now it’s time for eliminations.  At this point I am way more confident in launching the car and in my staging strategies so I dial in a 13.95 for the first round.  Now the problem is that I ended up lining up next to one of our good customers in his supercharged 350z.  This is bad for two reasons.  First, he has been drag racing for a long, long time.  Second, since we are racing each other, one of us is going to lose in the first round.

After a decent burnout, finally, we stage up and put the hammer down.  I cut a .158 light which isn’t too bad and I run through the top end with a 13.930 @ 100.45mph.  I ran faster than my dial-in time.

If you are new to bracket racing here is a very short tutorial.  You initially set a dial-in time of the fastest you think your car will run, mine was a 13.95.  The goal then is to get as close to that number as possible without going faster.  Sort-of like Price Is Right rules. If both racers go faster, or “break out”, then the person who goes over by the least wins.

So I broke out by .020 of a second which means that Walt had to go quite a bit quicker than his 12.95 dial in time to give me the victory.  He didn’t, but boy was is close!!  He ended up running a 12.933 at 104.28mph.  That means he was .003 closer to his dial in time than I was.  You really couldn’t ask for a better race.

I know that we will be going back to the Wednesday Night Drags as soon as we get a chance, and maybe someone with higher skills than yours truly will be doing the driving to make sure that we get the most out of the 370z, it should be good for low 13’s.  All I want is another piece of Walt and that supercharged 350z.

Enjoy the pictures below and click the read more for the full gallery.  Unfotunately none of the videos I took of the Zs turned out well but I will try to scan the time slips so that everyone can have a chuckle at my expense.

…[read more]

The Time Has Come…. To Drag The Z!!

Filed under: 370z,ZCG 370z
by Forbes @ 4:40 pm on May 5, 2009

We will be heading up to Infineon Raceway in Sonoma, CA tomorrow May 6th for their seasonal Wednesday Night Drags series.  This will be the first trip to the strip for our car and we are very interested to see what sort of time slips it will turn out.

We will be running the car with all the current intake and exhaust modifications so this won’t be an actual “baseline” run.  As of right now I think that we will be running the standard street tires instead of any sort of drag radial which we do have if the time comes.  If we decide to run the drag radials I will make note of it when the final times are posted.

The gates open at Infineon around 3:30pm so I will be leaving the shop around 2pm or so, feel free to join me for the drive up if you plan to attend.  We hope that some of you are able to make it out to the event and see what your car, and the ZCG 370z, can do.  This is a good time with some really cool cars.  There is some more information from the Infineon website below.  Check it out.


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