Classic Sports Racing Group (CSRG) is hosting a pre-season tech day for anyone who wants to have their car inspected before the first event of the season, March 15 at Sonoma Raceway. This year there are three great locations for your geographical convenience: North Bay, Peninsula, and South Bay! All three locations will be hosting the tech day on Friday February 23rd. Please call or email the location you’re planing to visit to confirm their hours and to let them know you’re coming. Thank you to all three businesses for taking time out of their day to do these tech inspections. We look forward to seeing you all at the track in just under a month!
North Bay:
Shippert Racing Services
621 Carlson Ct. Suite #4
Rohnert Park, CA 94928
Contact: Ethan Shippert – (707) 292-8975 ethan@shippertracingservices.com
Auto Keep Vehicle Storage
3536 Haven Ave
Redwood City, CA 94603
Contact: Ed Lauber
(650) 367-7788 – ed@autokeep.com
South Bay:
Z Car Garage
140 Archer St
San Jose, CA 95112
Contact: Rob Fuller
(408) 452-0350 – rob@zcargarage.com

Z Car Garage is happy to host the South Bay’s pre-season tech inspection day on Friday, Feb. 23. Please contact us to schedule your race inspection!

Event registration can be found at Classic Sports Racing Group (CSRG). See you at the track!

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