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EVENTS: The Velocity Invitational at Sonoma November 10-12

Filed under: 240z,510,Events,Racing
by Alvin G @ 2:40 pm on September 20, 2023


Z Car Garage is excited to participate in the Velocity Invitational at Sonoma Raceway November 10-12. This is a must attend historic racing event for Nissan/Datsun fans with IMSA GTU Z cars, exotics and more to enjoy. Tickets are still available, to purchase simply on click HERE, and read below for a preview.


Z Car Garage Racers

Z Car Garage is excited to be racing in Group 6 (1968 – 1978 IMSA GT Cars) and Group 10 (Mini vs Mustang Enduro). Here is a preview:

#49 IMSA Joel Anderson GTU Z

Rob Fuller will be driving the #49 Joel Anderson IMSA GTU Datsun 240Z:


#78 IMSA Porsche 911

Z Car Garage is preparing snd providing trackside race support for our client Kelvin Tse and his IMSA Porsche 911, running with the Z cars in Group 6:


Mini Vs Mustang Enduro


Rob Fuller will be racing a Mini Cooper against Mustangs in the Group 10: 1960’s Mini Vs Mustang Enduro

…this is an action-packed group don’t miss out!


Race car driver, restorer and Datsun Historian Glenn Chiou displayed his FAR Performance 240Z. This Z has a very rich racing history, driven in the 70’s by Loren St. Lawrence in VIPS Restaurant livery.


This is a wonderful event for the whole family, check out our report from last year’s 2022 Velocity Invitational. Z you at Sonoma Raceway November 10-12!

Join us for the 2023 Vintage Racing Season!

Z Car Garage is amped for more racing this year. Here is list of events we will be attending in 2023, including CSRG and SVRA . Please join us!


March  3rd to the 5th    SVRA  Thunderhill

March 24 to 26th          CRSG   Sonoma


April 27th to 30th           SVRA   Sonoma


May 4th   to 7th               SVRA   Laguna Seca


June  23rd to 25th           CSRG   Laguna Seca


August 12-13                    Monterey Pre-Reunion
August 16-19                    Rolex Monterey Motorsports Reunion


Sept 8th  to 10th              CSRG   Sonoma

Sept 28- Oct. 1st.            Rennsport Reunion Laguna Seca


October 13-15                  CSRG Laps For Laguna


Nov  3rd to 5th                 CSRG   Thunder hill

Nov 10th to 12th              Velocity Invitational

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