On October 4-6, the Classic Sport Racing Group (CSRG)’s Charity Challenge hosted the finale of The John Morton Cup. The 3-race series, named after legendary Datsun racer John Morton also featured the Historic B&C Sedan class with about 40 cars battling at Sonoma Raceway. It was a great weekend filled with competition, camaraderie and plenty of Alfas, BMWs and Datsuns sharing the track with John Morton (also Grand Marshal).

Z Car Garage Races Ands Supports Five Datsun 510s!
With some shuffling of schedules Rob Fuller was able to participate in the John Morton Challenge, piloting the Bay Area Datsun Dealers 510. Taz Harvey graciously volunteered his B-Sedan 510 for John Morton to drive. Z Car Garage supported and prepared five Datsun 510s including Tom Dockery’s Ex-Norm Balzer 510, the Red Farmer 510 (also owned by Taz) and Alex McDowell’s Bluebird Coupe, shown below. We also have in-car video footage from both Sonoma and Thunderhill races rom Rob Fuller, John Morton and Tom Dockery:
#7 Rob Fuller
ZCG owner Rob Fuller, Bay Area Datsun Dealers car

Here is in-car footage of Rob Fuller from both Sonoma and Thunderhill races. There is a great battle between Rob and Jon Norman in the ex-Kwech/Theodorocopulos Alfa!
#51 John Morton
John Morton, the #51 car owned by Taz Harvey. You might find this 510 familiar as it was built by our friend Troy Ermish and the previous owner was Wayne McAttee!

Here is video footage of John Morton behind the wheel of the #51 car at Sonoma, enjoy!
#80 Howard Swig
Howard Swig, Red Farmer car (also owned by Taz). Swig is an Auction Manager at Bring a Trailer and this 510 was purchased via a BaT back in 2014 (link).

#72 Tom Dockery
Tom Dockery drove his Ex-Norm Balzer 510. This car made its debut in May and we are excited to share its full story and profile Tom’s journey into racing soon.

Here is video footage of Tom Dockery behind the wheel at Sonoma. We are really proud of Tom and he’s getting faster every session!
#52 Alex McDowell
Alex driving the 1967 Bluebird Coupe. He was in Ireland and flew directly to SFO to participate in this final race!

510 Friends!
Many notable Datsun 510 racers were in the group, gunning for the trophy and sharing the honor of racing with John Morton

#33 Glenn Chiou
Glenn drove the Ex-Finn/Harris U2.5L Trans-Am ’68 510. This car made its debut in May at the SVRA event at Laguna Seca. Glenn did an admirable job (as always) getting this historically significant 510 back on the racetrack! Glenn (and Dave Stone) are the creators of the Historic B&C Sedan racing class and we thank them for organizing such an incredible group!

#93 Dave Stone
Dave Stone drove the #93 Ex-Frellsen 1973 National Champion 510. Dave is fast!

#52 Jim Froula
Race car driver and restoration specialist Jim Froula of Racecraft is ranthe Ex- Harry Stewart Datsun 510.

Charity Challenge race results can be seen below:

A Memorable Racing Event

It was so wonderful to share this experience with our friends and CSRG family. We look forward to another John Morton Cup next year and special shoutout to ZCG crew including the Corwins Josh and Keith. Running all of the cars above would not be possible without them. Big thanks to Meghan Fuller (sporting a full foot boot), the Swigs, Racecraft and legends like Larry Oka, John Morton and Sylvia Wilkinson.

Rob’s First 510 Race Experience

The John Morton Challenge was Rob’s first time vintage racing a Datsun 510. We asked him what it was like to be behind the wheel of a race-prepped Datsun 510, in a wheel-to-wheel race.
“This was the largest gathering of historic B-sedan cars, and all were being raced. It was surreal to be gridded next to John Morton, my hero. Never thought it would happen. I went from being a twenty-something watching Against All Odds to racing with him and it was surreal.”

Rob had visions of doing a vintage race and credits getting his SCCA license, specifically by racing a Mazda Miata, for his transition into vintage Datsun racing:
“When we got the IMSA Z car I always dreamed of doing a vintage race. I had watched my friends like Troy Ermish and Jim Foula at CSRG events, amazed at what they could do in a 510. But I never had racing 510 experience, despite being an owner for 25 years. Sure, I did numerous track days, even running my 400p over-kill street 510 at the track, but it doesn’t compare to a proper, race-prepped 510. Getting my SCCA license in Miatas helped me craft my skills and prepare for vintage driving.”

The challenge for Rob racing in CSRG was to see if his love for the 510 translated over to a race 510. At first, the Bay Area Datsun Dealers car didn’t handle well. ZCG adjusted/re-did the front suspension and dyno tuned the engine to get the it dialed-in. Rob was amazed, and having a blast:
“I enjoyed the camaraderie and overall atmosphere of the CSRG events. SCCA event racing is super intense and competitive. In Vintage racing however we are telling the stories of these cars, celebrating them, and driving rolling art. It’s also about hanging with friends. We all live for this stuff, and guy’s you don’t see often are out enjoying the moment. From talking trash in paddock to sharing conversation over drinks its a nice break from all-out competitive racing, I’m hooked. If you haven’t made it out to a CSRG event, I strongly urge you to do so!”

Join us for the next event CSRG David Love Memorial April 17-19 2020!

More pictures in the gallery below!
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