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2015 Solvang Datsun Roadster Show 4/25!

Filed under: Events
by Alvin G @ 4:36 pm on March 17, 2015


We are only a few weeks away from the big show so prep your cars and book those hotels! It’s that time of the year again when the largest group of Datsun Roadsters gathers in the beautiful town of Solvang, CA. Come check out roadsters and other vintage Datsuns April 24-25. Pre-registration ends April 3. For registration and show info please visit

To catch a glimpse of the show check out Last Year’s Show Report and movie below. Browse our Solvang Show reports since 2008 HERE.

See you in Solvang!

ZONC Contra Costa Cruise Pictures

Filed under: Events
by Alvin G @ 12:11 pm on

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From Ann D. of ZONC:

Thank you everyone who made the trip on Sunday from Z Car Garage in San Jose to the top of Mt. Hamilton and then on to Livermore. If you weren’t able to make the trip, we missed you and hope to see you at another of our events soon. We had a great ride with a few unexpected rewards – a group of GTRs at the observatory when we arrived and some horseless carriages on their way up Mines Rd. on their way to The Junction. Thank you Jack and Yolanda for the pictures and video below!

The “racetrack” leading up to Mt. Hamilton:

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Beautiful weather!

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Enjoy the aerial view:

Dwane’s Vortech Supercharged 350z

Filed under: Featured Cars and Projects,Maintenance,Performance
by Alvin G @ 12:34 am on March 13, 2015

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Dwane has been customer since the opening of Z Car Garage in 2004. We installed one of Vortech’s earliest supercharger kits on his ultra low-mileage ’03 Brickyard 350z circa 2005 and he has been enjoying it ever since.  Almost a decade later forced-induction tuning and support has tremendously advanced and many boosted applications are abandoning the old Split-Second and FMU-based systems.

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At ZCG we love the UPREV tuning platform and it allowed us to maximize gains from a new GT MAF, larger injectors and upgraded fuel pump.  We also installed ART pipes on the exhaust side and nice cosmetic addition of LED-based headlights:


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On the dyno we picked up 9hp/13tq with smoother delivery throughout the rev range. Mid-to-high gains were significant:

Dwane C Z33 Votech...Upgrades
Stay tuned for more power!


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Gary’s Datsun 240z

Filed under: Featured Cars and Projects,Maintenance,Performance
by Alvin G @ 12:28 am on March 11, 2015

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Gary P is a long-time customer and huge motorsports fan. He owns a rally 510 and acquired this 240z from another ZCG customer. While enjoying the Z on his commute Gary noticed a loud humming sound and came to us for diagnosis. We discovered a right-rear wheel bearing failure and replaced them new bearings.  The rear suspension was also freshened with new rear lower control arms from TechnoToyTuning (T3):

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New wheel bearings followed by pictures of the tired, stock rear control arms/bushings:

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New T3 control arms:

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The soft brake lines had also seen better days with rubber cracked and seeping. Not safe!

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We replaced them with new hoses:

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Gary is ready to get back on the road again!

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Back on the Track: Robert’s Vortech G35

Filed under: Featured Cars and Projects,g35,Performance
by Alvin G @ 4:14 pm on March 5, 2015


Robert C had such a good time driving his G35 at Laguna Seca that he came back to ZCG for more track preparation!  Since adding almost 200whp with a Vortech supercharger, it would prudent to upgrade the braking system. We are big fans of Stoptech’s brake kits and lucky for Robert one of our customers was willing to part with a lightly used ST60 (front) and ST45 (rear) caliper setup:

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Stainless steel lines and larger cross-drilled/vented rotors (355mm) were installed at all four corners:


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More shots of the front/rear calipers vs OEM:

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The obvious difference in rotor/caliper size results in increased heat capacity and pedal feel. More importantly these big-brakes will ensure repeated, fade-free braking while running on the track!

They do look stunning behind the spokes as well:

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We also installed a JWT flywheel and clutch:

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With fresh brakes and clutch Robert attended his 2nd track day, this time at Sonoma Raceway:


“Hey Rob,
Track day at Sonoma was incredible. Car was great and ran perfectly the whole time. She just loved sweeping up the hill to turn one and running through the esses. Powering and tracking out of the carousel then running her all the way from there to the brake zone for turn 11 is just…all I can think of to describe it is the word “happy”.
I was only doing 2:23 as a best lap but seeing as this is my second track day ever and my first time driving Sonoma, I’ll take it!”


Great work, Robert. We are happy that you can enjoy track days with confidence. The G looks superb out there!


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