SoCal GT-R Cruise 3: Starts at 6:45 am Saturday at Cars and Coffee
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Round 3! We are going to meet directly at Cars & Coffee on the top level of the Structure this time. We’ll have an insane photo shoot lined up on PCH which is about 5 miles from C&C around 8am. Once we’re satisfied there, we’ll cruise down to Vista, CA (if you’re interested in the full trek) for the HRE Open House. I really want to have as many as possible at C&C and the photo op in Laguna. We had 40 cars the first time, 52 on Invasion II and the goal is 75 for III.
For more information please visit and to view pics from the past GT-R invasion go HERE.

Teaser video!!!
Long Live Godzilla!
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