Just a taste of what’s to come for the blog…David C recently enjoyed a track day at Thunderhill in his R32 Skyline. This beauty got some serious love at Z Car Garage with upgrades and tuning from chassis to drivetrain so stay tuned for the full story!

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The Mt. Shasta Datsun Roadster Meet will be held on July 11 to July 13 in the beautiful city of Shasta, CA. This year’s show has a few exciting changes:
-The car show is going to be on the city streets of Mt Shasta! The city has never closed a city street for a non-city event, so this is huge!
-Car show entrance is now open to ALL-Datsun/Nissans 1968-1973!
More information and registration ca be found HERE. Spread the word and make the trek for a memorable experience!

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