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Performance Parts for Nissan, Inifiniti and Datsun Cars

Francisco’s G35 Coupe

Filed under: Featured Cars and Projects,g35,Performance
by Alvin G @ 6:27 pm on March 22, 2013

Francisco M met Rob at the Contra Costa Cruise last month where they discussed adding some bolt-on performance parts to his G35 coupe. The following day Francisco made an appointment and soon his G was treated to a host of go-fast goodies. From left to right: Motordyne plenum spacer, CF intake manifold, Motordyne XYZ pipe, Motordyne straight pipe, Amuse R1-T 3″ Titanium exhaust system and ART test pipes…

Let’s take a closer look at that pretty Titanium Amuse muffler+Motordyne exhaust combo:

ART pipes:

Plenum spacer:

Spacer + intake installed:

The G also got front/rear sway bars:

Stay tuned as Francisco comes back to ZCG next week for an UPREV tune to take advantage of all these cool bolt-ons!


Datsuns Racing 3/23…Join the Caravan to ‘Seca!

Filed under: Events,Performance
by Alvin G @ 10:57 pm on March 21, 2013

***Attention all Datsun racing fans!***

Come join the caravan to Laguna Seca this SATURDAY morning 3/23! The B-sedan races featuring several Datsuns are at 10am and 2pm. We will meet at Z Car Garage at 7:30am.  This is a great opportunity to witness classic Datsuns driven in anger. Come out to ‘Seca and support your local racers!

Z Car Garage
140 Archer St.
San Jose, Ca 95112

UPREV Power: Chris’ 370z

Filed under: 370z,Featured Cars and Projects,Performance
by Alvin G @ 10:24 pm on March 19, 2013

Chris M came to ZCG with only an aftermarket intake system on his 370z. With UPREV tuning the VQ37 now makes 305hp/254tq to the wheels:

If you have intake/exhaust modifications to your Z consider an UPREV tune to realize their full potential!

Bavarian Boost: Jermaine’s BMW 540i

Filed under: Featured Cars and Projects,Performance
by Alvin G @ 11:37 pm on March 18, 2013

Dear readers, I know what you are thinking: “what is a BMW doing on ZCarblog?” Well,  Jermaine K is the owner of this fine BMW 540i and as you know it really is a small Z-car world…he was referred to ZCG by familiar enthusiasts Alan E and Enrique R!
Jermaine’s Bimmer had a VF engineering Supercharger kit already installed and he came to us to sort out a few outstanding items.

After new spark plugs were installed and incorrect supercharger kit items fixed we put the sedan on our dyno…385hp/347tq to the wheels makes this one Bad Bimmer!

Even if it is not a Nissan the crew at ZCG is more than happy to work on it and make your car perform as it should. Thanks for the referral Enrique and Alan! Remember to watch for that silver 5-series closing in on you guys 🙂

Black Plate Beauty: Sora Blue

Filed under: Featured Cars and Projects,Performance
by Alvin G @ 10:43 pm on March 16, 2013

The ZCG Datsun 2000 Roadster is now sporting black plates from 1967!  Big thanks to Gary S for hooking us up with these! We like the look and feel even more nostalgic when sitting behind the wheel 🙂

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