It brings me great joy to share this with you because it marks a major chapter in one of the most epic Z car builds I have witnessed. ZCarGarage is building this Datsun 240z for Gary S and it is affectionately called the “Behemoth”. If you are not familiar with this project just click HERE for past updates on paint, suspension, drivetrain, brakes, etc.

The stroked RB28 drivetrain was mocked up and test fitted into Gary’s Behemoth. The engine now resides in Rob’s GoGreen 240z for break-in and tuning before going back to that lovely black engine bay:

Here are some quick videos I shot of the car in action. Turn up the volume, you won’t be disappointed! And if I may, please allow me to personally describe the music this motor makes. To me the sound is very distinctive and exotic. It is loud, nasty and ferocious on start-up and idle. It reminds me of a BRE 240z with those twice pipes cackling, only this RB28 sounds much deeper in tone. It totally contrasts with the smooth, buttery noise produced when cruising. Only Nissan inline-6s sound this way. And that turbo whistling as you roll into the throttle…absolutely intoxicating. When the car shuts down one can actually hear the turbo still spinning through the exhaust!