227 drivers showed up for the 42nd Annual DeAnza Autox held in Cupertino, CA, and hosted by DeAnza Auto Tech and NorCal UFO. The weather was spotty for most of the day, with dry runs in the morning for those that showed up really early, and scattered storms throughout most of the rest of the day. Participation was down slightly from last year’s 243 driver’s, likely because of threat of rain all day.

Josh and Scott competed in the OSP class, with Scott taking first place with a 50.2s run and 18th overall. Josh took 3rd in the class with a 55.5s run, and 82nd overall. Allen was incorrectly placed into the huge Evo-filled SM class, and Evos on race tires are hard to trump. Allen piloted the supercharger to a fantastic 52.6s run, earning him a trophy for 4th in class and 43rd overall. If he was properly placed in the SM2 class, he would have taken first handily.

Hope to Z ya out there next year!
Here are 2 videos of Scott’s run in the Green Machine. The exhaust note at full throttle is amazing…way to go Scott and congratulations to all that participated and placed high!
From Outside:
More pictures in the gallery!
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