The Concours event was an amazing experience. Big thanks to David Swig for the invitation and giving Japanese classic cars a presence at the show and in people’s hearts!
We left ZCarGarage at 7am with three 240z cars, a ‘67.5 roadster and one sinister-looking s/c’d 350z.
This was my first time at a Concours event, and I was really impressed with how the venue was organized. As we drove past the registration and onto the lawn area each car received a bottle of wine! Flag wavers at every turn directed us to our staging area, where I immediately saw a sea of Ferrari’s and other exotics. I kept wondering, “A bunch of Datsuns get their own display in this show? ” Yes indeed. Not only Datsuns, but Hondas and Toyotas deserve their moment in the spotlight as well 🙂
The Japanese classic car display included a Toyota ’67 2000GT, Toyota Sports 800, ’68 Honda S800, ’71 Skyline GT-R. 3 Datsun 240zs, Datsun roadster, and a 1973 Toyota Corolla. 9 lovely Japanese cars in between gangster-era Cadillac’s and bright red Ferrari’s.
People were smitten with the display. I could hear memories being conjured, stories being swapped. It was great exposure for our cars, and quite endearing to see this happen amongst all of the high dollar iron surrounding us 🙂
Rob told me that the Skyline was real, with the S20 drivetrain. My jaw dropped and I got very giddy as I have never seen a real Skyline GT-R in person. When the owner opened the hood the mighty S20 gleamed in all its twin-cam glory. Check out the pictures below for more detailed shots…from the underbody to the interior, it was a treat.
The arrival of summer came late to the Bay Area but it was definitely felt with 95 degree + temps. Multiple tents and water stations were available to the attendees. Our invitation included snacks, drinks and lunch in a pavillion with a perfect view of the car display ramp. We were fortunate to have a chat with David Swig about seeing more folks getting into vintage racing and increasing Japanese car representation.
Here is a sight that was new to me: Concours judges scrutinizing cars. Maybe one day these gentlemen will be judging your Nissan/Datsun at a Concours event! Why not?
After lunch it was time to check out more of the cars, and I can’t describe or include all of the wonderful machines so I will list a few favorites. Make sure to click after the “read more” to see all of the pictures!
Mercedes Benz 300SLs, and Gullwings galore! The new SLS was there too.
This Alfa Romeo Guiletta Sprint had just the right proportions:
Chrome everywhere, huge grilles, hood ornaments, and interiors that are so huge and luxurious that they belong on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous
The event was truly an incredible experience and hopefully we can have an even greater display of Japanese cars for the collector car world to appreciate. Enjoy the pictures!
Click on the “continue reading” link below for the full picture album (315 pics)
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