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Event Report: ZONC Feather River Run 06.06.2006

Filed under: Events
by Forbes @ 7:26 pm on June 8, 2009

Like I said earlier, this was a great event.  Let’s start from the beginning.

I had picked up the ZCG 370z from the shop on Friday night so that I could have it all packed and ready to go in the morning and maybe sneak in a few extra minutes of sleep.  Fail.  I had forgotten the camera and the spare battery at the shop.  I needed to be in Saratoga to pick up my friend Torey by 6:45am so I was at the shop by 6:15ish grabbing the required gear.  Off to a good start.

We are on the road to Sacramento by 7:00 and are making amazing time to the meeting point at a Panera bread location near the arena.  Even with stopping for gas, and breakfast at Jack-in-the-box, we arrived fifteen minutes early for the suggested 9:00 meeting time.  I was happy to see that there were already a few cars there including the two 370Zs of Curtis and Hal who had a major hand in setting up this drive.

Five or ten minutes after we arrived Zs were flowing in steadily and Roy even showed up in his GT-R.  Sweet.  I was also really excited to see Chris joining the group in his 1973 240z that we recently put new carburetors and an exhaust system on.  I love seeing the old cars being driven as much as the new ones.   After mingling for a short while were given the usual safety briefing and a rundown of the days schedule.  Then it was off to the cars for the fun part, driving.

Being able to drive the ZCG 370z on an event like this is just about as good as it gets.  This car has just about everything that you could want from a modern sports car.  Go buy one, seriously.

After driving for about an hour and a half we stopped at a small place called the Western Pacific Brewery in Oroville for lunch.  It is located directly on the tracks that run through town and it was pretty cool to see the train come through a few times during our meal.  We also met up with a few other Z Car owners here, two 240Zs and a Z32 twin turbo bringing our total to around twenty cars.

Once we were back on the in the cars we headed out of Oroville and onto the scenic and winding back roads of Highway 70.  We started out high in the hills and made our way down some very steep grades with HUGE drop-offs that lead to the canyons that were carved out by the Feather River.  There are all sort of neat bridges and tunnels along this stretch and we made the best of it by stopping for pictures fairly often.  By we I mean the two cars of Curtis and I, we would make sure to get ahead of the group on certain parts of the trip so that we could pull over and setup for photo opportunities.  I know that he took some amazing shots which I will have for you later this week.

After driving on these great canyon roads for a couple of hours we came out into a quaint little town that I think was Quincy, CA (please correct me if I’m wrong here) to fill up gas tanks and drain others.  We pretty much took over the Chevron station that we stopped at, I guess a group like this would make a scene anywhere we would go, haha.  Okay back on the road.

Driving through this town really reminded me of when I was younger and driving through the central parts of Wisconsin, it really had that sort of comfortable feel to it.  Leaving town we began to notice that the ground was growing increasingly damp but we were all prepared to slow the pace down so there weren’t any real concerns there.  After another half-hour of driving we started to enter the open plains between the individual mountain peaks.  There were neat little farm houses with cattle all around here and blasting the Zs through here may have given the locals quite the afternoon wake-up call.

Now we are coming up to our final stop before the final push to Truckee and dinner.  We made the stop near Blairsden right where HWY 70 and 89 meet.  We choose this place because Roy and his beautiful GT-R were going to break off from our group and continue on to Reno instead of heading to Truckee.  The place we pulled over there was a cool old barn with a scenic mountain backdrop which made for some great photos.

After we said our goodbyes we continued on to Truckee and when we arrived around 5:00 we were treated with some good local BBQ.  It was nice to know that we really didn’t have to do anymore driving, well for me anyways.  Some of us had made plans to stay the night it the Truckee/Tahoe area but a good majority of the group was going to drive back home, talk about committed.

I was stuffed full of food and needed to wind down from all the driving so we said our thank yous and good byes and made a break for the door.  I was able to convince Chris with the 240z to stay at my place up there because Torey and I had already made plans to go out in the Cal/Neva area of North Lake Tahoe.  Good times.

The trip back down the mountain on Sunday was basically uneventful but I did make it all the way back to San Jose on just a half tank of gas.  Downhill fuel economy rules.  All in all it was an amazing trip and I can’t thank Curtis, Hal, and the entire ZONC organization enough for setting this up for us.  I’m looking forward to attending the next event and I hope to see more of you there!  Happy Z-ing

If the photos here don’t blow your skirt up then I would suggest that you make this drive, I’ll even go again!  Just let me know.

There is a full gallery after the ‘read more.’  Check it!

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GranToreyno said in June 9th, 2009 at 3:39 pm

YAAAH! ZCG and ZONC RULE! This was an awesome event. Perfect weather, good people, amazing cars.