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Performance Parts for Nissan, Inifiniti and Datsun Cars

More New Parts for the “Behemoth” RB28 240z

Filed under: Featured Cars and Projects
by Forbes @ 11:17 am on December 31, 2008

We received a large delivery of factory Nissan and one off custom parts from the owner a few days ago.  There is no doubt in my mind that this will be the nicest Z on the face of the planet when it is completed in early ’09.  Here’s a rundown on the newest arrivals:

New dash: The dash has been customized with a “Behemoth” badge to pay respect to the animal that this car is going to be.  The first of the three gauges in the center of the dash has been changed out to house a vintage looking boost gauge.  Two very nice touches in my book.
New door panels: These are one of many hard to find new interior parts, not cheap either.
New side markers and lenses: new in box and super clean
Switchgear for the steering column: new, doesn’t get any better
All sorts of relays and unseen parts: all new unseen parts that make all the difference in a build like this.

AND…. Finally….all the way from Japan….

TOMEI CAMSHAFTS!!! It’s always a good feeling when you open a box and see tons of crumpled newspaper that is entirely in Japanese.  We have been waiting on these for some time and will now be able to finish the stroked RB28 for this build.  You can see the specs by clicking on the photo below.  Please hold the applause because I will post some more photos of the engine when it is completed.  Thank you for your patience.

We should be expecting a paint update sometime next week once the after-new-year’s reality check rolls in.  Check back.

There are a few more pictures after the read more…

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The Mayor said in December 31st, 2008 at 2:24 pm

I take great offense by your “nicest Z on the face of the planet” remark stated above. I would appreciate it if you would qualify your statement first with an “in my opinion” as this is subjective and is not in fact the truth. I now regret defending your hard work and the quality of your blog entries at the shop today.

Forbes said in December 31st, 2008 at 2:55 pm

Sorry Kurt, you know that I love Kurtzee more than my own non-existent children. I will change the blog out of respect for you. Sorry friend. Hahahaha

The Mayor said in December 31st, 2008 at 4:01 pm

The Mayor is pleased. I will lift the temporary restrictions preventing you from stopping in my fair city to have breakfast.

Behemoth240Z said in December 31st, 2008 at 9:58 pm

I usually don’t respond to email chains but cannot resist this one. First for what I call psychobabble – and what I mean is that some pejorative allusions to psychobabble imply that certain psychological concepts lack precision and eventually become meaningless or pseudoscientific. In the context of these responses, the psychobabble label is pejorative in the implication that the language is not based on scientific evidence.

Or another way of stating this is that you are the author of the comment and hence it is your opinion! And you should not have to apologize. For me it was (and still is) an update to a Z car project that will really speak for itself when finished. At the time I thought it was nice to share with others.

I’ll save the topic of “truth” and it’s plethora of definitions over the millennium for a latter time.

Long live the Z.

Forbes said in December 31st, 2008 at 10:07 pm

I couldn’t agree more! I was attempting to make Kurt feel better but I always knew deep down that I needed to stick to my guns.

The blog will now go back to it’s original state. I’m putting my foot down. Hahaha all in good fun.

Your car is going to be something that the Z community has never seen before. A goal for all future Z restorations and modifications if you will, and I’m proud to be a part of it.

Long live the Z indeed!


The Mayor said in January 5th, 2009 at 12:55 pm

Forbes, you couldn’t begin to explain Gary’s “entire statement”. So, by mindlessly agreeing with something you don’t understand, you are demonstrating a tremendous lack of reasonable judgement. Your insolence has resulted in a ban from eating establishments in my fair city. If this were “Fobes’s Z Car Blog”, you could be as opinionated as you would like. However, since this is the collective voice of all associates of ZCG, you sir, are out of order. Perhaps we could get together later to discuss this further. Or, if you would like, you could be in the same room with myself and Vince while we discuss scan rates and lines of resolution of various LCD displays. Epistomology discussion to follow. Hugs. In my opinion, Z’s rule. (See how I qualified that)?

Forbes said in January 5th, 2009 at 3:30 pm

You guys kill me. I will refrain from inserting my opinion in MY posts. I write this because the bread crumbs I get paid with are delicious and because I love Datsuns and Nissans.

I hope you enjoy the blog and if you would like to contribute any unbiased stories or information I would be happy to make you a contributor. Hugs

Behemoth240Z said in January 18th, 2009 at 10:43 pm

Forbes – just to let you know that there is no such word as “Epistomology” – it’s “Epistemology”!

So if we are going to do this sort of thing then I would like to suggest a new word “Ztology”. We can work on the definition and then submit to Wikipedia for world wide distribution and another first for the ZCG.